Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hair One Hair Cleanser and Conditioner Review

So, I'm desperately trying to jump on the cleansing conditioner bandwagon. Seriously, I am. But I can't see myself forking out  $30 for Wen. In the search of a cheaper and easier alternative, I stumbled across this little product.

Hair One Cleanser and Conditioner for dry hair with olive oil. This product claims to cleanse, condition, detangle, reduce frizz, and add shine. Basically you hop in the shower, get your hair wet, and pump a ton of this on your hair. After massaging it in for a while your rinse out and are left with awesome hair...right?

Lets start with the pro's:

Hair One is readily available for most people as Sally's Beauty is the main marketer for this product. It's easy to get a hold of and probably why this one hit my shower shelf first. The one that I picked up is the dry hair version, because my hair is long and very dry. It was $10.99 when I purchased it a few months back but this particular version is no longer listed on the site. There are other versions for all hair types and for curly hair. It has a strong smell of eucalyptus and as I was on a minty kick when I got this, I really liked it, at first. It is a very thick texture, which I also usually like because, like I said earlier, my hair is very dry. It got product out of my hair without it feeling too terrible stripped. Honestly, that is about all the nice things that I can say about this product.


The amount of product you have to use to get you hair clean is ridiculous! My hair is about 4 inches past my collarbone and medium thickness and I easily had to use about 20 pumps to get enough to even slightly cover my hair. My little $10.99 bottle only holds 12 ounces, so that equals out to be around 3 uses. I don't really think that's saving me much money. Secondly, the packaging is a big problem. The pump is quite small so you really have to work to get all that product out to be able to cover your head. I found this really hard to do in the shower with wet hands. Then, remember how I said the product was a very thick consistency? It stopped coming out of the pump completely after the first use! I resorted to taking the pump off and beating the bottle against my hand for more product. The bottle is too rigid to squeeze anything out.Not a great design...After all this I finally got the product onto my head, did my thing and rinsed it out. It felt OK, not too dry, mostly clean. Only after the shower did I discover that it made my scalp and the little bit of my forehead that it came into contact with bright red. I never have product allergies or anything so this is quite different for me. The only thing that I can think of is maybe it was the strong eucalyptus scent. My scalp was very irritated for a few days afterwards, so if you have any sort of sensitivity, I would definitely recommend you steer clear of this one!

All in all, I really wanted to like this product, but I just can't. I don't feel like it was a good value for the money, even if it didn't break me out!

Do you use a cleansing conditioner? If you have any recommendations of what I should try next, let me know in the comments!!!


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